As For Me and My House: Defending Your Home Against Pornography
It is a sinister plot: attacking our children using their own God-given sexuality against them. But that is exactly what the pornography industry and predators do as they enter our homes through often unlocked and unguarded digital doors. The stark reality is that many parents do not know this is happening, or if they do, they have no plan to evict the evil and bolt the doors shut. Through this presentation, we will:
• Open your eyes to the prevalence of porn
• Unveil the disconnect between parents and their children on the sexuality and digital fronts
• Expose the enemy for what it is
• Provide a step-by-step plan for beginning the sex and porn conversations with your kids
• Arm you with resources and tools to take back your family and make your home digitally safe
Are you ready to take up the challenge of intentional parenting in the digital age? There is no other option. The future of your sons and daughters depends on it.

Brandon Clark
Brandon Clark is a Parish Support Specialist for Covenant Eyes. He works with Catholic parishes and diocese across the nation, providing them with necessary resources to battle against the scourge of pornography and encouraging the appropriate use of technology. He has been married to Tonia for six years, and they welcomed their first child into the world in May after nearly six years of infertility.